1:1 Coaching and Political peer mentorship

single sessions

Changing your relationship to community, politics, and processes of justice and liberation is not just a matter of deciding to shift course — it requires building relationships that are mindful of positionality and actively encourage accountability to your values, while also being embedded in a political analysis. Whether your desire is to create mentorship and accountability for yourself in your learning process about a specific subject (e.g., gender or racial justice) or your own position in community (e.g., someone from a privileged position creating intentional, inclusive space for others), we can achieve this together through a direct 1:1 coaching or peer mentorship relationship.

During these sessions, we can map your strategy for putting your values into practice. I have offered support with issues like:

  • identifying organizations in your area to deepen your involvement in causes you care about

  • creating a sustainable strategy to financially contribute to mutual aid given your earnings

  • identifying readings and resources for you to learn about topics that push your edges

  • talking through challenging situations in your work or relationships with an explicitly political lens

how this differs from therapy

I am not a trained or licensed mental health professional, and I believe that while psychological and emotional support are critical for individual and community well-being, they are best situated in community. Unfortunately, our current structure of licensure and education in mental health fields does not adequately address political or structural factors that impact individuals, relationships, and communities. The work we undertake together is intended to explicitly approach these areas, whether you are pursuing psychotherapy via other means or not.

recurring engagement

Transformation takes place not in a single hour or day, but in incremental steps taken over time. In addition to individual sessions, I offer support in an ongoing way through 6 and 10 week packages that help you structure a path toward clarifying the political orientation of your relationships and business offerings.

If you’d like to work together in a recurring format, please apply directly to work with me.